Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One Day

One day,
I will not have to try to sleep to the sounds of giggling at 3 am.
I will not have to awkwardly avoid the couple on the couch.
I will not have to label all my food.
I will not have to schedule TV usage.
I will not have to listen to Mumford and Sons entire
 discography blasting from the bathroom.
I will not have to pick up tumbleweeds of hair.
I will not have to find passive aggressive notes on my pillow.
I will not have to practically beg when collecting utilities. 
I will not have to deal with synced up menstrual cycles. 
I will not have to cringe when another uses my Kitchen aid.
I will not have to sleep on a twin bed and have limited storage space. 
One day,
I will live alone,
and I will love it. 

1 comment:

  1. You make it sounds like you are just miserable with your living conditions. Is life really that bad?
