Saturday, March 9, 2013

Being alone is not being lonely.

So, I've lived by myself now for nearly 4 months. 
And it's great; expensive, but great. 
Every time I tell someone I live alone, especially people in my ward, I usually get the response, 
"Oh, my gosh don't you get lonely??"
I added two questions marks because that is how concerned they all sound. 
And of course, I tell them, no. 
There's this stigma that if one spends time alone, one must be lonely. 
No way, dude. 
I share a lot of character and personality traits with my father, one blatantly obvious one is 
I rather enjoy being by myself. 
I like having my own space, full of my things. 
I like living alone because I can do what I want whenever I want to, which sounds selfish, but being single and in my 20s this is about the only time I have to be 100% selfish. I like sitting in a quiet apartment and reading a book. I like going out by myself. 
I prefer to go shopping alone. I love to see movies alone. I go out to eat alone, with the companionship of a good book usually. 
I like that I am filling my apartment with things I picked out and purchased, with the exception of some generous donations from the parentals. Thank you. I get almost a sense of accomplishment not only being able to handle living alone financially, but also emotionally. 
Don't get my wrong, I will be more than willing to share space and time again one day, you know, like with a spouse. But not until I buy all the furniture and decor for the apartment so he can't try to weasel in some sort of sports memorabilia or a lazy boy. 


  1. Someday you might love someone enough to let them dedicate a room to sports memoriablia. Luckily, my man is happy to keep my rule: only in the office.

  2. I felt as though you were referring to me that little comment... thus, I felt the need to comment on it. :)
