In a Sunday School class a few weeks ago our teacher, the bishop's fabulous wife, told us about this gratitude challenge. It's ten lists of ten things each. The easiest way to be grateful for 100 things. I decided to fill out my ten, all of which pertaining to things I've been grateful in the past year specifically.
So here was my 2011:
10 physical abilities
1. exercise biking
2. eating
3. sleeping
4. hugging
5. dancing
6. seeing
7. hearing
8. hand holding
9. crying
10. singing
10 material possessions
1. cell phone
2. high heels
3. lap top
4. new car
5. concealer
6. glasses
7. bank account
8. nail polish
9. books
10. microwave
10 living people
1. Lyle
2. Jerralyn
3. Jeremy
4. Brandon
5. Megan
6. Cameron
7. Monica
8. Caitlin
9. Michael
10. Baby Calvin
10 things about nature
1. rain
2. wind
3. sand
4. sunshine
5. starry nights
6. shade
7. puddles
8. sunsets
9. pebblestones
10. flowers
10 places on earth
1. my bed
2. seattle
3. upper east side
4. the temple
5. portland
6. the zoo
7. vegas
8. springville art museum
9. provo
10. london-I will always be
10 modern inventions
1. twitter
2. drive thrus
3. debit cards
4. hulu
5. internet phones
6. camera
7. benedryl
8. airplanes
9. starbucks
10. prescription lenses
10 foods
1. chic fil a
2. belgian waffles
3. enchiladas
4. cheese burgers
5. dr. pepper
6. chocolate fro yo
7. taco tuesday
8. happy sumo
9. spicy enticer sandwich
10.cream cheese
10 happiest moments
1. getting promoted
2. getting picked up in an art museum
3. Beatles caroling
4. first ballet class in nearly 5 years
5. a long anticipated reunion with a boy
6. teaching a really good Relief Society lesson
7. being told I was adored
8. walking seattle with Cameron one last time
9. first weekly temple night
10. playing with baby calvin
10 things about the Gospel
1. sacrament hymns
2. my bishop
3. ward parties
4. teaching relief society
5. journal writing
6. comforting Spirit
7. everyone in white
8. prayer
9. Elder Uchtdorf
10. my testimony
10 things about today
1. sleeping in
2. working car
3. vending machines
4. cell phones
5. co workers
6. cardio cinema
7. strawberries
8. christmas bonus
9. my bed
10. leggings