Thursday, May 3, 2012

more weddings, more reasons to get dressed up

My cousin Sarah got married.

I wore my vintage dress.
Monica was my date.

I chatted with relatives.

and watched the happy couple.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

april roundup

So for April I actually accomplished both goals. My mother came into town and then the whole fam went up to Idaho for my cousin's mission farewell. Sitting in the back of a van with a 5 and 7 year old has its perks, i.e. lots of Disney movies. Pictures of the trip are to follow. As for my something new, I (essentially) asked a boy out and it went rather positively, no details for I am a lady. 
Now for pictures:
So mostly I just have pictures of me and the kids in the car.

The view from the backseat

Cousin Elder Watt is now in the Provo MTC and will be going to Bulgaria.

This is me and Cousin Elder Watt at my fifth birthday, Chuck E Cheese of course. 

urban garden

I have hopes to live in a city. I could even live in an apartment my whole life, a big one of course. The biggest pull for me winding up in the suburbs is to have my own garden. 
Growing up it was always my job to weed the garden and plant new flowers. 
It's down and dirty work, in the most literal way, but gardening has a beautiful, and most rewarding outcome. 
Last year I purchased over the rail flower boxes at IKEA. Those flowers promptly died. But this year I live on an end apartment and my "porch" gets plenty of sun and I decided to try again. I need to hone my urban* gardening skills any way. 
flower boxes

urban garden

when roommate moved out, placing her cinder blocks outside the door was apparently as far as she could carry those heavy things, so I utilized them. 

dirt crusted nails. great job. 

I can still be chic when I garden.

I have the perfect patio chairs that would really pull this space together, but I'm scared they will get stolen. So for now, just the flowers in this garden.

*soley for the sake of this post, Provo is being categorized as urban.